Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chocolate truffles anyone ??

Here are some miniatures i have made this week, i have included a photo of my messy work area !! the shame of it , good job it`s in the loft and nobody else see`s  it except like minded miniaturist who appreciate the organised chaos that inspires us , well that`s what i keep telling myself , i`m in chocolate mode for now and this is my first attempt at a chocolate box filled with truffles, i`m trying out different papers for the box so will probably have dozens by the time i`m completely happy with it, when there done they will be coming to Newark for my next show , enjoy ! remember no calories !!


  1. Your work is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This looks realy yummie! Hhmmmm
    Don't look at my workarea.....
    Thank you for stopping by my blog,
    * marlies

  3. This looks realy yummie! Hhmmmm
    Don't look at my workarea.....
    Thank you for stopping by my blog,
    * marlies
    (missing comment from email , thanks for the tip kerry)
